Saturday, June 19, 2010

Coffee, Anyone?

The smell wafted through the air. Warm in my hand, the beverage was the rich color of the Costa Rican soil. Looking at it one more time and attempting to pretend like I thought I would like it, I took a sip. Coffee!
No, I am still not a fan, but I did manage to drink a whole glass (sample sized, naturally!). I think it flows through the blood of the Costa Ricans, so I am so glad that today I got to experience a coffee plantation! It was huge, but not very active as it is not currently time for coffee harvest.
We had a tour guide explain the entire process, from planting the coffee tree to using its wood in Costa Rican furniture. I bought a bracelet made out of coffee beans, which now has me frequently putting my wrist up to my nose (I love the smell, just not the taste). It was so cool to learn all about the harvest and production! Also, nearly 70% of the coffee that they produce is sold to… (drum roll)…Starbucks!
Last week I fought my biggest battle yet with homesickness; it was difficult but God is totally with me here and I have been blessed with an AMAZING family in “Los Estados” that has been able to talk to me almost every night, which helps so much! Also, my “family” here is SO great – I am almost always home in the evenings because I love just sitting at home with them! We visit, laugh, and watch the news and soap operas. This ritual has been extremely helpful in my Spanish education: they answer all my crazy vocabulary questions and I learn so much!
On Friday they took me to the fruit market in town with them. It was SO BIG! They have about 150 tables set up under a huge metal roof and people come every week to buy and sell fruits and veggies! It was so neat. My host mom bought 12 bananas for less than 80 cents! I tried to explain to her that fruit was more expensive in the US, but she kept shaking her head like she couldn’t even believe it! So funny!
I have a big presentation in my history and culture class on Monday during which my conversation and grammar teachers will be present and listening for pronunciation and grammar errors. Your prayers for that are most definitely appreciated! Also, please thank Him for the community I have here! People who love Him and who love me are definitely present, that has been SO good! I love the way He sets that up!
Thankful for all of you!
~Costa Rica Chica

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