Hey wonderful friends!
I did not type this out ahead of time, so it may be brief, but I wanted to make sure that you all had a glimpse into the recent happenings in this tropical nation!
Last week was the trip to the Indian reservation and I cannot even begin to describe how amazing it was! We were able to interact so much with the children; it was fantastic to be awarded that tiny glimpse into their lives! There is a school on the reservation, and it has students in K-12. We slept under a mosquito net, climbed trees, led a class one day (that was a surprise, fun, but a bit challenging!), and ran a “store” to give out the aide that we brought from the States. So cool!
The week before I got to visit the actual rainforest and see it three different ways! Monteverde was amazing (I am really lost for adequate adjectives, sorry), and seeing God’s creation up close in a virgin rainforest was…wow! We walked through during the day and then returned for a night tour. Kid you not: I saw a spider whose body (legs not included) was about the size of a golf ball! EWW! The guide said he was harmless…I have my doubts. He was big enough to be a pet! The next day, we took a “bridge tour” and saw everything from above – that was such an incredible experience!
Between these two adventures were my midterms (hard to believe we are already at the halfway point!). I had five and have the results back for four of them: 3 As and 1 B. Praise God – all of these exams were entirely in Spanish! I am so excited that He helped me concentrate through them despite all the potentially distracting things here!
Another thing to praise Him for: while on the reservation, one of the students from the group wanted to talk about my Jesus – SOOOO cool! I cannot share too many details, but please join me in rejoicing in the open door! In the way of other prayers, prayers for strength of body (I am always tired; I think it is because my brain is in overdrive) would be greatly appreciated!
I am very excited to share ALL of my pictures with you all when I return (along with a big plate of “platanos” – a personal favorite which my host mom has promised to teach me how to prepare), but here is another sneak peek: these are from Monteverde and the reservation.
With the One,
Costa Rica Chica
Costa Rica Chica
I've been to Monteverde. There are no words to describe it. It has to be one of the most beautiful and amazing places on the planet. I'm so proud of you and excited for the time you are having. I'm praying for you Costa Rica Chica. :) love ya!