Thursday, May 13, 2010

El principio

Excited. Scared. Nervous. Thrilled. Blessed. Apprehensive. The previous words do a fairly good job of expressing my current range of feeling. I will be, in less than 3 days, boarding a plane that will start me off on what I am sure will prove to be a GREAT adventure!

My packing experience has, thus far, gone rather smoothly. Everything (well, nearly everything) I need is scattered about the living room floor, and it seems that it will be well within the limits set by the airline. I am not sure how I managed to pack and have extra room; as a "what if...(fill in extremely unlikely circumstance here)...?" packer, this is a huge accomplishment!

Also, I received an unexpected blessing for which I am extremely grateful: I was put into contact with the young lady who had my host family on the trip last summer! She has told me about them and about their home and routines. She truly loved them and her excitement for me was evident. Praise God for that reassurance!

I am currently praying about an immunization I have to receive tomorrow as it is likely that it will leave me feeling less-than-my-best for a bit. Also, as before, please pray that my ability to communicate in Spanish would be surprisingly greater than I expected. This is the aspect that has me the most nervous, but also the most excited for chances to improve and challenge myself! He is so faithful, though, and I know that He will give me the words to say (in the language I need to say them!). His love is greater than my uncertainty about these coming months; I know He's "got it"!

Thanks so much for your love, prayers, and support! I will miss you all greatly but I am so excited to be sharing my adventures with you through this blog! My next post will be from...COSTA RICA! :)

~Costa Rica Chica


  1. Well done, my friend! I am also a "what if?" packer, so I realize that's pretty awesome;)
    I'm glad you were able to get that reassurance about your host family. God is good. As always, I will be praying for you.

  2. Hey Chica! I know you will have a wonderfully/blessed time! I'm sure the language will come to you as you get in the routine of hearing it all the time and you will feel sound like a native in no time! Have a great time and we will be praying for you! God is good all the time!
